Maintenance Technician Jobs
5 recruiters in the list
Hi, my name is Garrett Micheli. I've recently moved from California to North Carolina and I'm looking for a full time or part-time Maintenance Technician or anything hands on. I have experience in many fields. Also have a full box of tools ready to be used. Please let me know, Thank you Garrett, Building Maintenance, North Carolina, North Carolina
Elinvar Leadership Solutions
Professional staffing services for north carolina.
Finance, Executive.. Accounting, Human Resources
Unicorn Staffing
A locally owned company specializing in permanent and temporary job placements.
Winston Personnel Group
Permanent and temporary placement agency in north carolina.
Mega Force Staffing
Staffing agency with offices throughout north and south carolina serving the entire southeast region.
Sparks Group inc
Established in 1970 this firm provides temporary and permanent staffing in the dc / baltimore metropolitan area