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Legal Recruiters in NYC
13 recruiters in the list
New York City-area recruiters and staffing agencies with legal positions (not conflicts-related-- preferably cybersecurity or other kinds of positions), Legal, Legal
Manpower Recruiter
Large staffing company with offices in every state and many countries. Large network of positions.
Update Legal
Places contract and permanent attorneys, paralegals and litigation support staff with top law firms and corporate l
Law Firm People
Dedicated to the legal employment needs of new york city law firms and corporations.
Compliance Search Group
We have placed hundreds of compliance professionals ranging from staff levels to chief compliance officers with the
Financial Services Auditing, Tax, Insurance
ICS Recruiter
Staffing for technology, compliance, banking & marketing jobs with offices in minneapolis, new york and chicago.
Access Talent Solutions, LLC
We have located and matched hundreds of talented individuals with leading law firms and corporations throughout cal
Anderson Staffing
Specializes in direct and temporary placement including legal recruiting, non-profits, and financial institutions
Levin & Associates
Our mission is straightforward: we are committed to the success of the law firms and corporations that we serve an
Seltzer Fontaine LLC
Seltzerfontaine is a legal search consulting firm specializing in the placement of lawyers with leading law firms,
Lexicon Recruiting
Lexicon’s recruitment team has over 12 years’ experience in law firm recruitment, so you can focus your time wh
Now Hiring You
We are an elite recruiting firm that specializes in the law, financial and technology industry. With over 30 years
The RMN Agency
A legal recruiting agency dedicated to diversity, inclusion and belonging
Executive, Recruiting.. Legal, Legal Research