AGRIcareers, Inc.
United States
Contingency, Permanent, Retained
National search for agriculture-related employers in the in farm production, agriculture-related banking and finance.
Company Description
At agriCAREERS, INC® we have been committed to matching the right person to the right job for over 50 years.
As the original employer-paid personnel recruiting firm in the United States targeting the agricultural industry, Roy Holland became a pioneer in the industry when he founded agriCAREERS, INC.® in New Hampton, Iowa, in 1968. Gary Maas was made partner in 1977 with the opening of the Massena, Iowa, office. As the business transitioned, Tammy Jensen, Judy Meyer and Judy Bruening became part owners as well.
Tammy Jensen became Managing Partner in 2004, and today works from the Massena office using her background in agriculture to continue the agriCAREERS, INC.® mission. The key to delivering personnel services in 48 states and several countries is understanding our clients’ needs and providing confidential, professional assistance in meeting their goals.
Today, employers and employees in all areas of agriculture work with agriCAREERS, INC.® to fulfill employment needs in agribusiness, agronomy, seed, farm production, banking & finance, and the food industries. A survey of Fortune 500 companies with ag-related operations showed 91 percent have used our services.
agriCAREERS, INC.® celebrated 50 years of successful business in 2018, and we look forward to serving the agricultural industry for many more years to come.
“Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.” ~ Thomas Jefferson (1787)
Web URL: http://www.agricareersinc.com/
Phone Number: 712-779-3300, 800-633-8387
Email: info@agricareersinc.com
Full Address: 613 Main Street Massena, IA 50853
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